Version 3.18.1

File: matrix/js/Matrix.js

             * Matrix is a class that allows for the manipulation of a transform matrix.
             * This class is a work in progress.
             * @class Matrix
             * @constructor
             * @module matrix
            var Matrix = function(config) {
            Matrix.prototype = {
                 * Used as value for the _rounding method.
                 * @property _rounder
                 * @private
                _rounder: 100000,
                 * Updates the matrix.
                 * @method multiple
                 * @param {Number} a
                 * @param {Number} b
                 * @param {Number} c
                 * @param {Number} d
                 * @param {Number} dx
                 * @param {Number} dy
                multiply: function(a, b, c, d, dx, dy) {
                    var matrix = this,
                        matrix_a = matrix.a * a + matrix.c * b,
                        matrix_b = matrix.b * a + matrix.d * b,
                        matrix_c = matrix.a * c + matrix.c * d,
                        matrix_d = matrix.b * c + matrix.d * d,
                        matrix_dx = matrix.a * dx + matrix.c * dy + matrix.dx,
                        matrix_dy = matrix.b * dx + matrix.d * dy + matrix.dy;
                    matrix.a = this._round(matrix_a);
                    matrix.b = this._round(matrix_b);
                    matrix.c = this._round(matrix_c);
                    matrix.d = this._round(matrix_d);
                    matrix.dx = this._round(matrix_dx);
                    matrix.dy = this._round(matrix_dy);
                    return this;
                 * Parses a string and updates the matrix.
                 * @method applyCSSText
                 * @param {String} val A css transform string
                applyCSSText: function(val) {
                    var re = /\s*([a-z]*)\(([\w,\.,\-,\s]*)\)/gi,
                    val = val.replace(/matrix/g, "multiply");
                    while ((m = re.exec(val))) {
                        if (typeof this[m[1]] === 'function') {
                            args = m[2].split(',');
                            this[m[1]].apply(this, args);
                 * Parses a string and returns an array of transform arrays.
                 * @method getTransformArray
                 * @param {String} val A css transform string
                 * @return Array
                getTransformArray: function(val) {
                    var re = /\s*([a-z]*)\(([\w,\.,\-,\s]*)\)/gi,
                        transforms = [],
                    val = val.replace(/matrix/g, "multiply");
                    while ((m = re.exec(val))) {
                        if (typeof this[m[1]] === 'function') {
                            args = m[2].split(',');
                    return transforms;
                 * Default values for the matrix
                 * @property _defaults
                 * @private
                _defaults: {
                    a: 1,
                    b: 0,
                    c: 0,
                    d: 1,
                    dx: 0,
                    dy: 0
                 * Rounds values
                 * @method _round
                 * @private
                _round: function(val) {
                    val = Math.round(val * this._rounder) / this._rounder;
                    return val;
                 * Initializes a matrix.
                 * @method init
                 * @param {Object} config Specified key value pairs for matrix properties. If a property is not explicitly defined in the config argument,
                 * the default value will be used.
                init: function(config) {
                    var defaults = this._defaults,
                    config = config || {};
                    for (prop in defaults) {
                            this[prop] = (prop in config) ? config[prop] : defaults[prop];
                    this._config = config;
                 * Applies a scale transform
                 * @method scale
                 * @param {Number} val
                scale: function(x, y) {
                    this.multiply(x, 0, 0, y, 0, 0);
                    return this;
                 * Applies a skew transformation.
                 * @method skew
                 * @param {Number} x The value to skew on the x-axis.
                 * @param {Number} y The value to skew on the y-axis.
                skew: function(x, y) {
                    x = x || 0;
                    y = y || 0;
                    if (x !== undefined) { // null or undef
                        x = Math.tan(this.angle2rad(x));
                    if (y !== undefined) { // null or undef
                        y = Math.tan(this.angle2rad(y));
                    this.multiply(1, y, x, 1, 0, 0);
                    return this;
                 * Applies a skew to the x-coordinate
                 * @method skewX
                 * @param {Number} x x-coordinate
                skewX: function(x) {
                    return this;
                 * Applies a skew to the y-coordinate
                 * @method skewY
                 * @param {Number} y y-coordinate
                skewY: function(y) {
                    this.skew(null, y);
                    return this;
                 * Returns a string of text that can be used to populate a the css transform property of an element.
                 * @method toCSSText
                 * @return String
                toCSSText: function() {
                    var matrix = this,
                        text = 'matrix(' +
                                matrix.a + ',' +
                                matrix.b + ',' +
                                matrix.c + ',' +
                                matrix.d + ',' +
                                matrix.dx + ',' +
                                matrix.dy + ')';
                    return text;
                 * Returns a string that can be used to populate the css filter property of an element.
                 * @method toFilterText
                 * @return String
                toFilterText: function() {
                    var matrix = this,
                        text = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(';
                    text +=     'M11=' + matrix.a + ',' +
                                'M21=' + matrix.b + ',' +
                                'M12=' + matrix.c + ',' +
                                'M22=' + matrix.d + ',' +
                                'sizingMethod="auto expand")';
                    text += '';
                    return text;
                 * Converts a radian value to a degree.
                 * @method rad2deg
                 * @param {Number} rad Radian value to be converted.
                 * @return Number
                rad2deg: function(rad) {
                    var deg = rad * (180 / Math.PI);
                    return deg;
                 * Converts a degree value to a radian.
                 * @method deg2rad
                 * @param {Number} deg Degree value to be converted to radian.
                 * @return Number
                deg2rad: function(deg) {
                    var rad = deg * (Math.PI / 180);
                    return rad;
                angle2rad: function(val) {
                    if (typeof val === 'string' && val.indexOf('rad') > -1) {
                        val = parseFloat(val);
                    } else { // default to deg
                        val = this.deg2rad(parseFloat(val));
                    return val;
                 * Applies a rotate transform.
                 * @method rotate
                 * @param {Number} deg The degree of the rotation.
                rotate: function(deg, x, y) {
                    var rad = this.angle2rad(deg),
                        sin = Math.sin(rad),
                        cos = Math.cos(rad);
                    this.multiply(cos, sin, 0 - sin, cos, 0, 0);
                    return this;
                 * Applies translate transformation.
                 * @method translate
                 * @param {Number} x The value to transate on the x-axis.
                 * @param {Number} y The value to translate on the y-axis.
                translate: function(x, y) {
                    x = parseFloat(x) || 0;
                    y = parseFloat(y) || 0;
                    this.multiply(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
                    return this;
                 * Applies a translate to the x-coordinate
                 * @method translateX
                 * @param {Number} x x-coordinate
                translateX: function(x) {
                    return this;
                 * Applies a translate to the y-coordinate
                 * @method translateY
                 * @param {Number} y y-coordinate
                translateY: function(y) {
                    this.translate(null, y);
                    return this;
                 * Returns an identity matrix.
                 * @method identity
                 * @return Object
                identity: function() {
                    var config = this._config,
                        defaults = this._defaults,
                    for (prop in config) {
                        if (prop in defaults) {
                            this[prop] = defaults[prop];
                    return this;
                 * Returns a 3x3 Matrix array
                 * /                                             \
                 * | matrix[0][0]   matrix[1][0]    matrix[2][0] |
                 * | matrix[0][1]   matrix[1][1]    matrix[2][1] |
                 * | matrix[0][2]   matrix[1][2]    matrix[2][2] |
                 * \                                             /
                 * @method getMatrixArray
                 * @return Array
                getMatrixArray: function()
                    var matrix = this,
                        matrixArray = [
                            [matrix.a, matrix.c, matrix.dx],
                            [matrix.b, matrix.d, matrix.dy],
                            [0, 0, 1]
                    return matrixArray;
                 * Returns the left, top, right and bottom coordinates for a transformed
                 * item.
                 * @method getContentRect
                 * @param {Number} width The width of the item.
                 * @param {Number} height The height of the item.
                 * @param {Number} x The x-coordinate of the item.
                 * @param {Number} y The y-coordinate of the item.
                 * @return Object
                getContentRect: function(width, height, x, y)
                    var left = !isNaN(x) ? x : 0,
                        top = !isNaN(y) ? y : 0,
                        right = left + width,
                        bottom = top + height,
                        matrix = this,
                        a = matrix.a,
                        b = matrix.b,
                        c = matrix.c,
                        d = matrix.d,
                        dx = matrix.dx,
                        dy = matrix.dy,
                        x1 = (a * left + c * top + dx),
                        y1 = (b * left + d * top + dy),
                        //[x2, y2]
                        x2 = (a * right + c * top + dx),
                        y2 = (b * right + d * top + dy),
                        //[x3, y3]
                        x3 = (a * left + c * bottom + dx),
                        y3 = (b * left + d * bottom + dy),
                        //[x4, y4]
                        x4 = (a * right + c * bottom + dx),
                        y4 = (b * right + d * bottom + dy);
                    return {
                        left: Math.min(x3, Math.min(x1, Math.min(x2, x4))),
                        right: Math.max(x3, Math.max(x1, Math.max(x2, x4))),
                        top: Math.min(y2, Math.min(y4, Math.min(y3, y1))),
                        bottom: Math.max(y2, Math.max(y4, Math.max(y3, y1)))
                 * Returns the determinant of the matrix.
                 * @method getDeterminant
                 * @return Number
                getDeterminant: function()
                    return Y.MatrixUtil.getDeterminant(this.getMatrixArray());
                 * Returns the inverse (in array form) of the matrix.
                 * @method inverse
                 * @return Array
                inverse: function()
                    return Y.MatrixUtil.inverse(this.getMatrixArray());
                 * Returns the transpose of the matrix
                 * @method transpose
                 * @return Array
                transpose: function()
                    return Y.MatrixUtil.transpose(this.getMatrixArray());
                 * Returns an array of transform commands that represent the matrix.
                 * @method decompose
                 * @return Array
                decompose: function()
                    return Y.MatrixUtil.decompose(this.getMatrixArray());
            Y.Matrix = Matrix;