Version 3.18.1

File: datatable/js/formatters.js

            Adds predefined cell formatters to `Y.DataTable.BodyView`.
            @module datatable-formatters
            var Lang = Y.Lang,
                isValue = Lang.isValue,
                escape = Y.Escape.html,
                getCName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
                cName = function (name) {
                    return getCName('datatable', name);
                stringValue = function (value, def) {
                    return (isValue(value) ? escape(value.toString()) : def || '');
                Registry of function producing cell formatting functions.
                Allows for names to be used in the column
                definition `formatter` property:
                    {key:"myColumn", formatter:"date"}
                These functions are not meant to be used directly.  Instead, they will be
                automatically called when their names are used as values for the `formatter`
                property in a columnd definition.
                They will be called just once per rendering cycle and will receive
                the column configuration.  They are expected to return a function that will
                then be called once per row and will do the actual formatting.
                They are expected to do all the preparatory once-per-render work
                so that the actual formatting function doesn't need to repeat it.
                @class DataTable.BodyView.Formatters
                Formatters = {
                    Returns a formatter that produces a BUTTON element using the value of
                    the [buttonLabel](DataTable.Column.html#property_buttonLabel)
                    column definition attribute as its label or the text
                    `Click` if not found.
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-button` to the cell.
                    @method button
                    @param col {Object} The column definition.
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that produces a `<button>` element.
                   button: function (col) {
                       var className = cName('button'),
                           html = '<button>' + (col.buttonLabel || 'Click') + '</button>';
                       col.allowHTML = true;
                       return function(o) {
                           o.className = className;
                           return html;
                   Returns a formatter function that returns the texts `"true"` or `"false"`
                   and assigns the CSS classNames `yui3-datatable-true` or `yui3-datatable-false`
                   based on the value of the cell.
                   If either a [booleanLabels](DataTable.Column.html#property_booleanLabels)
                    configuration object is defined for the column
                   or a [booleanLabels](DataTable.html#attr_booleanLabels)
                   configuration attribute is defined for the datatable,
                   the formatter will use the values for the properties `true` or `false`
                   of either of those objects as the text to show.
                   It returns `null`s or `undefined`s unchanged so that the `emptyCellValue`
                   configuration attribute will eventually apply.
                        {key:"active", formatter: "boolean", booleanLabels: {
                            "true": "yes",
                            "false": "no"
                   @method boolean
                   @param col {Object} The column definition.
                   @return {Function} A formatter function that formats boolean data.
                   'boolean': function (col) {
                        var labels = col.booleanLabels || this.get('booleanLabels') || {'true':'true', 'false':'false'};
                        return function(o) {
                            var value = o.value;
                            if (!value && value !== false) {
                                return value;
                            value = value?'true':'false';
                            o.className = cName(value);
                            return labels[value];
                   Returns a formatter function that formats values as currency using
                   the [Number.format](Number.html#method_format) method.
                   It looks for the format to apply in the
                   [currencyFormat](DataTable.Column.html#property_currencyFormat) property
                   of the column or in the
                    attribute of the whole table.
                       {key: "amount", formatter: "currency", currencyFormat: {
                           decimalSeparator: ",",
                           thousandsSeparator: ".",
                           suffix: "&euro;"
                   See [Number.format](Number.html#method_format) for the available format specs.
                   Anything that cannot be parsed as a number will be returned unchanged.
                   Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-currency` to the cell.
                   @method currency
                   @param col {Object} The column definition.
                   @return {Function} A formatter function that formats numerical data as currency.
                    currency: function (col) {
                        var className = cName('currency'),
                            format = col.currencyFormat || this.get('currencyFormat'),
                            fn = Y.Number.format;
                        return function (o) {
                            o.className = className;
                            var value = parseFloat(o.value);
                            if (!value && value !== 0) {
                                return o.value;
                            return fn(value, format);
                    Returns a date formatting function based on the given format.
                    @method _date
                    @param format {String} The format spec definition.
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that formats numerical data as currency.
                    _date: function (format) {
                        var className = cName('date'),
                            fn = Y.Date.format;
                        format = {format: format};
                        return function (o) {
                            o.className = className;
                            return fn(o.value, format);
                    Returns a date formatting function.
                    It looks for the format to apply in the
                    property of the column or in the
                     attribute of the whole table.
                        {key: "DOB", formatter: "date", dateFormat: "%I:%M:%S %p"}
                    See [Date.format](Date.html#method_format) for the available format specs.
                    Anything that is not a date is returned unchanged.
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-date` to the cell.
                    @method date
                    @param col {Object} The column definition.
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that formats dates.
                    'date' : function (col) {
                        return Formatters._date(col.dateFormat || this.get('dateFormat'));
                    Returns a date-only (no time part) formatting function using the current locale.
                        {key: "DOB", formatter: "localDate"}
                    Anything that is not a date is returned unchanged.
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-date` to the cell.
                    @method localDate
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that formats dates.
                    localDate : function () {
                        return Formatters._date('%x');
                    Returns a time-only (no date part) formatting function using the current locale.
                        {key: "startTime", formatter: "localTime"}
                    Anything that is not a date is returned unchanged.
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-date` to the cell.
                    @method localTime
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that formats dates.
                    localTime : function () {
                        return Formatters._date('%X');
                    Returns a date formatting function using the current locale.
                        {key: "DOB", formatter: "localDateTime"}
                    Anything that is not a date is returned unchanged.
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-date` to the cell.
                    @method localDateTime
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that formats dates.
                    localDateTime : function () {
                        return Formatters._date('%c');
                    Returns a function that produces email links.
                    If the column definition contains a property
                    [linkFrom](DataTable.Column.html#property_linkFrom) it will use the value
                    in that field for the link, otherwise, the same column value will be used for both
                    link and text.
                        {key: "contact", formatter: "email", linkFrom: "contactEmail"}
                    It will use the respective
                    column configuration attribute
                    for each of the value and the link if either is empty.
                    If the link value is still empty, it will return the value with no link.
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-email` to the cell.
                    @method email
                    @param col {Object} The column definition.
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that adds a mailto: link to the value.
                    email: function (col) {
                        var className = cName('email'),
                            linkFrom = col.linkFrom,
                            emptyValue = col.emptyCellValue,
                            emptyLink = (this.getColumn(linkFrom) || {}).emptyCellValue;
                        col.allowHTML = true;
                        return function (o) {
                            var value = stringValue(o.value, emptyValue),
                                link = (linkFrom ? stringValue([linkFrom], emptyLink) : value);
                            o.className = className;
                            if (link) {
                                return '<a href="mailto:' + link + '">' + value + '</a>';
                            return value;
                    Returns a function that produces links.
                    If the column definition contains a property
                    [linkFrom](DataTable.Column.html#property_linkFrom) it will use the value
                    in that field for the link, otherwise, the same column value will be used for both
                    link and text.
                        {key: "company", formatter: "link", linkFrom: "webSite"}
                    It will use the respective
                     column configuration attribute
                    for each of the value and the link if either is empty.
                    If the link value is still empty, it will return the value with no link.
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-link` to the cell.
                    @method link
                    @param col {Object} The column definition.
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that adds a link to the value.
                    link: function (col) {
                        var className = cName('link'),
                            linkFrom = col.linkFrom,
                            emptyValue = col.emptyCellValue,
                            emptyLink = (this.getColumn(linkFrom) || {}).emptyCellValue;
                        col.allowHTML = true;
                        return function (o) {
                            var value = stringValue(o.value, emptyValue),
                                link = (linkFrom ? stringValue([linkFrom], emptyLink) : value);
                            o.className = className;
                            if (link) {
                                return '<a href="' + link + '">' + value + '</a>';
                            return value;
                   Returns a formatter function that formats values using
                   the [Number.format](Number.html#method_format) method.
                   It looks for the format to apply in the
                   property of the column or in the
                   attribute of the whole table.
                        {key: "weight", formatter: "number", numberFormat: {
                            decimalSeparator: ",",
                            thousandsSeparator: ",",
                            suffix: "kg"
                   See [Number.format](Number.html#method_format) for the available format specs.
                   Anything that cannot be parsed as a number will be returned unchanged.
                   Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-number` to the cell.
                   @method number
                   @param col {Object} The column definition.
                   @return {Function} A formatter function that formats numerical data as currency.
                    number: function (col) {
                        var className = cName('number'),
                            format = col.numberFormat || this.get('numberFormat'),
                            fn = Y.Number.format;
                        return function (o) {
                            o.className = className;
                            var value = parseFloat(o.value);
                            if (!value && value !== 0) {
                                return o.value;
                            return fn(value, format);
                    Returns a formatter function that returns texts from a lookup table
                    based on the stored value.
                    It looks for the translation to apply in the
                    [lookupTable](DataTable.Column.html#property_lookupTable) property of the
                    column in either of these two formats:
                        {key: "status", formatter: "lookup", lookupTable: {
                            0: "unknown",
                            1: "requested",
                            2: "approved",
                            3: "delivered"
                        {key: "otherStatus", formatter: "lookup", lookupTable: [
                            {value:0, text: "unknown"},
                            {value:1, text: "requested"},
                            {value:2, text: "approved"},
                            {value:3, text: "delivered"}
                    Applies the CSS className `yui3-datatable-lookup` to the cell.
                    @method lookup
                    @param col {Object} The column definition
                    @return {Function} A formatter function that returns the `text`
                            associated with `value`.
                    lookup: function (col) {
                        var className = cName('lookup'),
                            lookup = col.lookupTable || {},
                            entries, i, len;
                        if (Lang.isArray(lookup)) {
                            entries = lookup;
                            lookup = {};
                            for (i = 0, len = entries.length; i < len; ++i) {
                                lookup[entries[i].value] = entries[i].text;
                        return function (o) {
                            o.className = className;
                            return lookup[o.value];
            Y.mix(Y.DataTable.BodyView.Formatters, Formatters);
             Label to be shown in the face of a button produced by the
             [button](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_button) formatter
             @property buttonLabel
             @type String
             @for DataTable.Column
            Determines the texts to be shown to represent Boolean values when the
            [boolean](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_boolean) formatter
            is used.
            The attribute is an object with text values for properties `true` and `false`.
                {key:"active", formatter: "boolean", booleanLabels: {
                    "true": "yes",
                    "false": "no"
            @property booleanLabels
            @type Object
            @for DataTable.Column
             Determines the texts to be shown to represent Boolean values when the
             [boolean](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_boolean) formatter
             is used on any column.
             It works like the column-specific
             [booleanLabels](DataTable.Column.html#property_booleanLabels) but
             for all columns using the
             [boolean](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_boolean) formatter at once.
             The values are often retrieved from a resource of localized texts.
            @attribute booleanLabels
            @type Object
            @for DataTable
            Format specification for columns using the
            [currency](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_currency) formatter.
            It contains an object as described in
            @property currencyFormat
            @type Object
            @for DataTable.Column
            Format specification for columns using the
            [currency](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_currency) formatter.
            It contains an object as described in
            It is similar to
            but it applies to any column using the
            [currency](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_currency) formatter.
             The values are often retrieved from a resource of localized configuration.
            @attribute currencyFormat
            @type Object
            @for DataTable
            Format specification for columns using the
            [date](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_date) formatter.
            It contains a string as described in
            @property dateFormat
            @type String
            @for DataTable.Column
            Format specification for columns using the
            [date](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_date) formatter.
            It contains an object as described in
            It is similar to
            but it applies to any column using the
            [date](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_date) formatter.
             The values are often retrieved from a resource of localized configuration.
            @attribute dateFormat
            @type String
            @for DataTable
             Name of the field that is to provide the link for a column using the
             [email](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_email) or
             @property linkFrom
             @type String
             @for DataTable.Column
            Format specification for columns using the
            [number](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_number) formatter.
            It contains an object as described in
            @property numberFormat
            @type Object
            @for DataTable.Column
            Format specification for columns using the
            [number](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_number) formatter.
            It contains an object as described in
            It is similar to
            but it applies to any column using the
            [number](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_number) formatter.
             The values are often retrieved from a resource of localized configuration.
            @attribute numberFormat
            @type Object
            @for DataTable
            Map of values to text used to translate internal values to human readable text
            in columns using the [lookup](DataTable.BodyView.Formatters.html#method_lookup)
            The map can be given in either of two formats:
                {key: "status", formatter: "lookup", lookupTable: {
                    0: "unknown",
                    1: "requested",
                    2: "approved",
                    3: "delivered"
                {key: "otherStatus", formatter: "lookup", lookupTable: [
                    {value:0, text: "unknown"},
                    {value:1, text: "requested"},
                    {value:2, text: "approved"},
                    {value:3, text: "delivered"}
            The last format is compatible with the [dropdown](DataTable.Editors.html#property_dropdown)
            and autocomplete-based editors, where the order of the items in the dropdown matters.
            @property lookupTable
            @type Object || Array
            @for DataTable.Column