Version 3.18.1

File: charts/js/Gridlines.js

             * Provides functionality for creating charts.
             * @module charts
             * @submodule charts-base
            var CONFIG = Y.config,
                WINDOW =,
                DOCUMENT = CONFIG.doc,
                Y_Lang = Y.Lang,
                IS_STRING = Y_Lang.isString,
                _getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
                SERIES_MARKER = _getClassName("seriesmarker");
             * Gridlines draws gridlines on a Graph.
             * @class Gridlines
             * @constructor
             * @extends Base
             * @uses Renderer
             * @param {Object} config (optional) Configuration parameters.
             * @submodule charts-base
            Y.Gridlines = Y.Base.create("gridlines", Y.Base, [Y.Renderer], {
                 * Reference to the `Path` element used for drawing Gridlines.
                 * @property _path
                 * @type Path
                 * @private
                _path: null,
                 * Removes the Gridlines.
                 * @method remove
                 * @private
                remove: function()
                    var path = this._path;
                 * Draws the gridlines
                 * @method draw
                 * @protected
                draw: function()
                    if(this.get("axis") && this.get("graph"))
                 * Algorithm for drawing gridlines
                 * @method _drawGridlines
                 * @private
                _drawGridlines: function()
                    var path,
                        axis = this.get("axis"),
                        axisPosition = axis.get("position"),
                        i = 0,
                        direction = this.get("direction"),
                        graph = this.get("graph"),
                        w = graph.get("width"),
                        h = graph.get("height"),
                        line = this.get("styles").line,
                        color = line.color,
                        weight = line.weight,
                        alpha = line.alpha,
                        count = this.get("count"),
                    if(isFinite(w) && isFinite(h) && w > 0 && h > 0)
                        if(count && Y.Lang.isNumber(count))
                            points = this._getPoints(count, w, h);
                        else if(axisPosition !== "none" && axis && axis.get("tickPoints"))
                            points = axis.get("tickPoints");
                            points = this._getPoints(axis.get("styles").majorUnit.count, w, h);
                        l = points.length;
                        path = graph.get("gridlines");
                        path.set("width", w);
                        path.set("height", h);
                        path.set("stroke", {
                            weight: weight,
                            color: color,
                            opacity: alpha
                        if(direction === "vertical")
                            lineFunction = this._verticalLine;
                            length = h;
                            lineFunction = this._horizontalLine;
                            length = w;
                        for(i = 0; i < l; i = i + 1)
                            lineFunction(path, points[i], length);
                 * Calculates the coordinates for the gridlines based on a count.
                 * @method _getPoints
                 * @param {Number} count Number of gridlines
                 * @return Array
                 * @private
                _getPoints: function(count, w, h)
                    var i,
                        points = [],
                        divisor = count - 1;
                    for(i = 0; i < count; i = i + 1)
                        multiplier = i/divisor;
                        points[i] = {
                            x: w * multiplier,
                            y: h * multiplier
                    return points;
                 * Algorithm for horizontal lines.
                 * @method _horizontalLine
                 * @param {Path} path Reference to path element
                 * @param {Object} pt Coordinates corresponding to a major unit of an axis.
                 * @param {Number} w Width of the Graph
                 * @private
                _horizontalLine: function(path, pt, w)
                    path.moveTo(0, pt.y);
                    path.lineTo(w, pt.y);
                 * Algorithm for vertical lines.
                 * @method _verticalLine
                 * @param {Path} path Reference to path element
                 * @param {Object} pt Coordinates corresponding to a major unit of an axis.
                 * @param {Number} h Height of the Graph
                 * @private
                _verticalLine: function(path, pt, h)
                    path.moveTo(pt.x, 0);
                    path.lineTo(pt.x, h);
                 * Gets the default value for the `styles` attribute. Overrides
                 * base implementation.
                 * @method _getDefaultStyles
                 * @return Object
                 * @protected
                _getDefaultStyles: function()
                    var defs = {
                        line: {
                            weight: 1,
                            alpha: 1
                    return defs;
                ATTRS: {
                     * Indicates the direction of the gridline.
                     * @attribute direction
                     * @type String
                    direction: {},
                     * Indicate the `Axis` in which to bind
                     * the gridlines.
                     * @attribute axis
                     * @type Axis
                    axis: {},
                     * Indicates the `Graph` in which the gridlines
                     * are drawn.
                     * @attribute graph
                     * @type Graph
                    graph: {},
                     * Indicates the number of gridlines to display. If no value is set, gridlines will equal the number of ticks in
                     * the corresponding axis.
                     * @attribute count
                     * @type Number
                    count: {}